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Black American History

Hope from History

Understand American history from the perspective of American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS)

Knowledge of any nation's history opens windows of understanding about systems, traditions, care of citizens, application of resources and national reputation evident in lifestyles will illuminate who they are. In the ongoing attempt to balance coexistences between ethnic groups and nations, this important element of the evaluation cannot be overlooked.

We propose that there is HOPE from History teaching truth to power. In much of American history non-immigrant Blacks have been portrayed as a people of "lack." Nothing can be further from truth and uncovering the abundant overcoming and giving back to America should be understood by every resident.

Woodson quote

Setting the record to correct. Teaching the inclusive history of American slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow, segregation, overcoming, contributions to the world, service in every American war, and the continuous systemic racism must be heard and understood before a commitment to repairing a people will be agreeable.  

Americans have shown evidence of reformation when they understand that to be fair is to be righteous. Opportunity for all in an equitable environment regardless of race, creed, religion, or place of origin. If this is so, then knowing the history of racism dealt to many ethnic groups that came here and of course, Native Americans, can point toward ways that we can settle old debts owed ADOS Americans.

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Durham, NC 27704
PO Box 15584
Durham, NC 27704
(919) 885-2884

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Black Is Right Enough

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