Media Bombards Us Daily With Bad News
How do we separate what is real and can impact us and what is dismissable as a distraction? Either way, we must navigate our lives through the mire. The outcomes are likely permanent and will be felt by our heirs. Every generation benefits or suffers from previous leadership decisions.
Media also offers unique opportunities to examine issues and decide upon their significance or lack of importance for our lives. Social issues from getting along, education, crime, politics, economy, health, quality of life, ownership and control, opportunities for achievement, and where we desire to live seem personal but are also relevant to the well-being of others.

In The News
What do we know about the critical issues that impact our lives? These articles are just a few selected to read and discuss perspectives shared by others. How do they really feel about Blacks, Asians, whites, indigenous, ethnic groups, mass immigration, belonging, entitlement and more? Under cloaks of anonymity, people speak their truths. They expose their biases. They tell more of the story than is written in the articles. We can get a good gauge of contemporary perspectives that explain why people behave as they do.
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